Helping You Grow Your Faith
301 N 2nd St. Colby, WI | Sun @ 9:00 AM |2nd and 4th Wednesday at 6:30 pm, Wednesdays During Lent @ 6:30 PM Learn More
Worship Services
We are glad you found your way to our website. Our church is a spiritual home for Christians of all ages, races, and circumstances. We invite you to join us this weekend. Our hope, our expectation is that you will meet God in our sanctuary and be encouraged and strengthened to live out your Christian faith.
About Us
In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, we will vigorously make know the love of Jesus by word and deed within in our church, community and the world.
Social Ministries
When people are facing a crisis in life, a personal or family need or are at their most vulnerable, we respond with care and compassion, ready to serve and love our neighbor. Learn More!
Have Kids?
Check out what is happening with out youth ministries. Learn More!
Take a look at some of the resources we have on our website, to help you grow in your faith. Learn More!
Online Giving
At Zion, we desire to become a people moved by the Holy Spirit to be generous, where our financial giving supports the mission of preaching, teaching, and living the gospel in our neighborhoods and around the world. Learn More!
Our Mission
One Mission – The members of Zion shall seek opportunities to be joyfully engaged in the proclamation of the Gospel in both word and deed in our church, community and the world. (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
One Message – The message of Law and Gospel is proclaimed powerfully in our church, community and the world with evangelical urgency; cultural sensitivity; Lutheran fidelity; and biblical clarity to transform lives in time for eternity. (2 Corinthians 5:21).
One People – The members of Zion are one people, in Christ, intentionally working together in faithfulness with mutual love and respect. (1 Peter 2:9)