About Our Church
Our Mission Statement
In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, we will vigorously make know the love of Jesus by word and deed within in our church, community and the world.
One Mission
The members of Zion shall seek opportunities to be joyfully engaged in the proclamation of the Gospel in both word and deed in our church, community and the world.
(2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
One Message
The message of Law and Gospel is proclaimed powerfully in our church, community and the world with evangelical urgency; cultural sensitivity; Lutheran fidelity; and biblical clarity to transform lives in time for eternity.
(2 Corinthians 5:21).
One People
The members of Zion are one people, in Christ, intentionally working together in faithfulness with mutual love and respect.
(1 Peter 2:9)
Welcome to Zion Lutheran
“Zion Lutheran’s congregation is here to bring you Good News: God loves you. God loves you so much He went to the extreme of sacrificing His Son to bring you home to Him. Every barrier that would keep you from a loving relationship with your Father is gone because of Jesus. Want to know more? You are welcome anytime to join us in worship, to hear God speak to you from his Word, and to be with your brothers and sisters in Christ.”
– Pastor Neumann
Who We Are
Our Team & Leadership
Our church could not function without the many volunteers that carry out various aspects of ministry here. The members of the Board of Directors and Board of Lay Elders are responsible for overseeing the ministry of Zion as a whole.

Tina Raasch
Tina Raasch was born and raised in Edgar, WI. She has lived in Colby, WI most of her adult life. Zion was her church home until her marriage to Brian. She now regularly attends church with him. Tina has three grown stepchildren and one granddaughter. Tina enjoys reading, gardening, sightseeing, and spending time with her family. She especially looks forward to sleepovers with her granddaughter.

Pastor James Groleau

Karen Boss
Karen Boss
Karen Boss was born and raised in southeastern Minnesota. She attended school in Minneapolis for Travel and Tourism, and then worked at O’Hare Airport in Chicago, IL, where she met her husband, John. They moved to Wisconsin and had two sons. Karen was employed at a travel agency for 14 years before coming to Zion. She has been a dedicated employee at Zion since 2000, working as church secretary and in the Zion Early Childhood Center.
Board of Directors

Kurt Frome

Bryon Graun

Paula Mader

Richard Strathmann

Doug Hogden
Board of Lay Elders

Larry Mader

Steve Sprotte

Todd Schmidt

Lyle Burt

Clem Klimpke