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03-23 - Walking in the Light - John 9 [1-41] (New)
03-23 - Walking in the Light - John 9 [1-41] (New)
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Today, we reflect on the contrast between spiritual blindness and walking in the light of Christ. The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus warns of the dangers of ignoring the suffering around us, while Jesus’ healing of the blind man reveals that true sight comes not from the eyes, but from faith. We are called to open our eyes, to see both the need around us and the grace of God before us. May we walk in the light of Christ, living as His children.
03-23 - Walking in the Light - John 9 [1-41]
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Today, we reflect on the contrast between spiritual blindness and walking in the light of Christ. The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus warns of the dangers of ignoring the suffering around us, while Jesus’ healing of the blind man reveals that true sight comes not from the eyes, but from faith. We are called to open our eyes, to see both the need around us and the grace of God before us. May we walk in the light of Christ, living as His children.
03-19 (Wed - Living Water for a Thirsty Soul - John 4 [5-42]
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Jesus meets us in our emptiness and offers us living water. He offers His grace, His Spirit, and eternal life. Like the Samaritan woman at the well, we are all searching for something to satisfy the deeper thirst in our souls. This message invites us to receive Christ’s living water, which quenches every longing and renews us for the journey of faith.
03-16 - The Promise of New Birth - John 3 [1-17]
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One night Jesus was teaching Nicodemus that true life comes through being born of water and the Spirit. This new rebirth from above is a gift of grace, not human effort. This is a time for us to remember our own Baptism, trust in Jesus’ work, and the promise of eternal life.
03-12 (Wed2) - the God Who Sees - Genesis 16 [1-13]
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we are going to look at God’s intimate knowledge of and care for His people. Hagar’s encounter with God in the wilderness reveals that He is not distant. He sees us and meets us in our struggles. We will reflect reflect on our lives and learn to trust that, no matter the situation, God is near and attentive to us.
04-06 - A Heart of Service - John 13 [1-17]
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Jesus, our Servant King, showed us that true greatness is found in humble service. By washing His disciples’ feet, He taught us that love is demonstrated in action. As we reflect on this, we are called to follow His example by serving one another with humility and grace.
04-02 (Wed5) - The Cost of Discipleship - Matthew 16 [24-28]
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Jesus calls His followers to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. This means embracing sacrifice, enduring hardships, and trusting fully in God’s plan. True discipleship requires surrender, but in losing our lives for Christ’s sake, we find true and eternal life in Him. We should challenge ourselves to reflect on what it means to truly follow Jesus in a world that often encourages self-focus over self-sacrifice.
03-30 (Sun4) - The Shepherd Who Cares - John 10 [11-18]
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Jesus is our Good Shepherd who does not leave His flock to wander alone. In the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, there is a clear differentiae between self-reliance and dependence on God’s care. Unlike the rich man, who ignored Lazarus at his gate, Jesus sees the suffering of His people and lays down His life for them. Remember our Shepherd calls us by name, leads us in truth, and provides for our every need.
03-26 - Trusting in God's Timing - John 11 [1-44]
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Few things test our faith more than waiting. When prayers feel unanswered and struggles and discomfort linger, we often wonder if God hears us or if He cares. Today’s message offers a powerful reminder that you don’t have to understand the plan to know god has a purpose. The story of Lazarus invites us to trust in God’s wisdom and faithfulness.